DLR and the Spanish consortium led by Alén Space collaborate on the CubeISL mission

August 19, 2024

DLR and the Spanish consortium led by Alén Space collaborate on the CubeISL mission

The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) has selected the Spanish consortium formed by Alén Space and GMV to develop the two satellites for the CubelSL IOD mission. Launch is foreseen for 2026.

After Launch and Early Operations, the control of both satellites will be handed over to the German Space Operations Center (GSOC), which is the central institution for spaceflight operations in Germany.

The main objective of the mission is to demonstrate and validate bidirectional optical laser communication between two CubeSats in orbit, utilizing the advanced functionalities of the Laser Communication Terminal developed by the DLR Institute of Communications and Navigation, named CubelSL LCT. This mission explores the improvement of inter-satellite communication at a minimum distance of 500 kilometers and a maximum distance of 1500 kilometers in the same orbit, as well as direct transmission to Earth, enabling reliable telecommand operations.

CubelSL aims to achieve a significant technological advancement in CubeSat communication systems.

Alén Space, leading this consortium, is collaborating with DLR for the first time. The Alén Space team will design and manufacture the platforms for the two 6U satellites at their facilities in Nigrán (Pontevedra), which will be built under the CubeSat standard. The technological multinational GMV will provide the AOCS expertise (Attitude and Orbit Control System) for the project. The mission will be overseen by the DLR Responsive Space Cluster Competence Center (RSC3), with active participation from the DLR Institute of Communications and Navigation and the German Space Operations Center (GSOC).

The RSC3 is one of the most advanced centers in Europe, conducting significant technological research and demonstrations in the context of Responsive Space. This includes solutions related to next-generation, resilient, and secure communications for satellites using lasers.