Alén Space contributes to the definition of the Atlantic Constellation for the Spanish Space Agency

May 22, 2024

The Atlantic Constellation, one of the main projects under the PERTE Aerospace initiative led by the Spanish Space Agency (AEE), will be developed with the expertise and knowledge of New Space companies from our country. Alén Space is part of the consortium led by Elecnor Deimos, which has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA), the project’s technology manager, to define the Spanish Component of the Atlantic Constellation. The main partners of the consortium also include Satlantis and DHV Technology.

This constellation will consist of 16 small Earth Observation satellites, 8 of which will be developed in Spain and 8 in Portugal, aimed at monitoring climate change. Additionally, it will complement the European Copernicus system by providing high-frequency data, essential for supporting natural disaster mitigation efforts.

Definition of communication subsystems and RF payloads

The Atlantic Constellation will be carried out in two parts: Consolidation Phase and Implementation Phase. This contract falls within the initial phase of the project and will extend over three months. The main objective is to consolidate the constellation’s requirements in Spain.

The Alén Space team plays a crucial role, as they will define the communication subsystem, the data handling and control subsystem, and the Radio Frequency (RF) payloads for the 8 satellites to be developed in Spain.

Boosting Spanish space talent

The optical payloads will be managed by Satlantis, while DHV Technology will handle the constellation’s electrical power system, including the solar panels and electronic system. Deimos, as the leader of this consortium made up of companies based in Spain, will oversee the complete project definition, including the flight and ground segments. This project will carry out all these design and engineering tasks in our country, highlighting the talent of its teams and the technical capabilities of the supply chain.

Once the Consolidation Phase of the project is completed, the ESA will select a consortium to develop the Implementation Phase of the eight satellites of the Spanish Component of the Atlantic Constellation, funded by the Government of Spain through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, PERTE Aerospace, and the AEE.