Alén Space, honored with the Cinco Días Business Innovation Awards

June 8, 2019

Alén Space, honored with the Cinco Días Business Innovation Awards

Cinco Días, announced today the winners of the ‘2019 Business Innovation Awards’, one of the most prestigious awards in Spain. Our company is honored with the award in the category of ‘Most Innovative Business linked to University’.

Cinco Días is the business publication of PRISA, one of the Spanish-speaking world’s leading media companies.

In this 12th edition of the ‘Cinco Días Awards’, Alén Space will share spotlight with two of the largest companies by market capitalization in Spain. Acciona has been awarded with the Most Innovative Business Project Award in the Technological Field, and Red Eléctrica Española (REE), with the Most Innovative Business Initiative Award in Corporate social responsibility.

The selected projects have been chosen from more than 90 candidates. In the case of Alen Space, the ‘Cinco Días Award’ highlight the growth potential of the small satellite industry and the capabilities our team has developed in the design and development of nanosatellites, as a spin-off of the University of Vigo.

The award ceremony, sponsored by Repsol and Caixabank, will take place on Wednesday, June 26th at the CaixaForum venue in Madrid. This event is the place to be for important Spanish personalities of social, business and political life every year.