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The latest news of Alén Space ready to read and share.
New Space España turns Vigo into the Spanish space capital
The official presentation of New Space España 2018 took place today, a pioneering congress that…
Alén Space participates as a partner at the ESA Space for Inspiration event
Bilbao is the place chosen by the ESA to celebrate its conference Space for Innovation….
Registration now open for the New Space Spain 2018 event
On 29th November, Vigo will be the meeting point for Spanish startups, enterprises and professionals…
Presentation of the DustCube and FireRS projects at the IAC 2018 in Bremen
Alén Space attended the International Astronautical Congress, where it presented two projects developed by our…
Alén Space takes part in the finals of the Everis Awards and South Summit
A week of finals for Alén Space, as it took part in Madrid in the…
An intensive week at Industry Space Days and at Naukas 2018
This week we took part in the seventh edition of the ESA’s Industry Space Days…
SmallSat 2018 at Utah State University
Part ot the team of Alén Space participated between August 4 and 9 at the…
One of the 100 Most Innovative Startups for South Summit
South Summit has selected us among the 100 most innovative startups in the World and…
Finalist of the Everis Awards 2018
Out of a total of almost a thousand projects presented in this 2018 call, our…
Open Laboratory Days to Spread Lume-1
We organized an open day where public, Degree and Master students were invited to visit…
Introducing Totem at Cal Poly’s CubeSat Developers Fair
Our team participated in the 15th edition of the CubeSat Developers Workshop organized by the…
Lume-1 Faces Tests Prior to its Launch to Space
Lume-1 undergoes a test period to confirm that it will withstand the conditions it will…